Sunday, February 22, 2009

Even "Experienced" Folks Need Buddies

You might have noticed that my two previous posts extoll the virtues of the "buddy system" when working with the horses. At Cevalo, we pair up new students with someone who can show them the ropes, and encourage all of our students to help each other out. Not only can having help make things a whole lot easier, it's often the safest way to do things.

Sometimes, those of us who have more experience have a tendency to try to "go it alone" instead of asking for help. Take me last week trying to blanket my very unhappy mare. I've put a blanket on her countless times, but last week she was cold, miserable, and sick of me messing with her. Although she was giving me all the warning signs, I struggled by myself in the rain and mud to get the blanket on--only to realize when it came time to hook the leg straps that she wasn't just threatening to kick, she was fully-prepared to follow through. Fortunately, someone came to my rescue and together we were able to get the blanket secured without anyone getting hurt.

Fast forward a week to another blanketing episode. Except this time, the other experienced person had the good sense to ask for help up front. Like me, she'd seen the warning signs, but wisely chose not to try to go it alone. Good choice. The two of us were able to quickly and easily blanket the horse, reward him for standing still, and avoid giving him the chance to practice any bad behaviors. Opting to use the buddy system from the beginning was far safer for us, and much better for the horse.

Lesson learned. I feel fortunate to be a part of a community where folks are always willing to step in and lend a hand. We all need help sometimes!

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